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  3. UI/UX
  4. Creating a Bridge Between EC Site and Physical Store


Connected EC site and Physical Store 

With the revamp of popular foot wear shop atmos Shinjuku branch, we developed a large sized touch panel digital signage. The digital signage displays items that can be found on the online store. This was to raise awareness of the online store and also a way to display what cannot be physically put into the store.  

WE delivered
Direction, Design, App Development, System Construction

An Entertaining and Practical Digital Signage 

The digital sign displays actual model snaps and not only the foot wear. The user can touch the item they want to see and it will show where to purchase the item. Also the sign will display a barcode readable by a smartphone. Once the barcode is read, this directs the user to the product page on the online store. While being a fun entertaining signage, we aimed to create something that is also practical.

Optimized Digital Signage For Large Displays

To ensure a satisfying experience for every user, We conducted many tests from the development as a user for maximum comfortability and satisfaction. Understanding the size of the display, which resolution would be easiest to view, best design, and the best method of system development. Akari was in charge of every step for this project.