Work for community

Akari is a team of designers and engineers. Our greatest interest is to dedicate community of all sizes by creating and innovating. What is the most rewarding to us is designing a product that overcomes a task while staying true to the company mission.

Keep our technology solid and grow day by day to dedicate it to more clients. Akari’s product designers, engineers are always looking for a rational solution. One that also hints at an optimistic future.

Design + UI/UX

We aim to create aesthetically pleasing and useful products. The interaction between human interfaces such as device and keyboard. Information and functionality of design. slightest difference in input and output can change the world. From when the company was founded, our experience ranges from corporate information infrastructure to websites for musical artists. Through these experiences we have seen and educated ourselves as we go. Also with the help of progression in engineering, we wish to provide an evolved design and UI/UX.  


After years of experience in website creation and management, we have created and provide  "Okra",  an original CMS to meet needs that we have studied through the years. This requires a system that allows for functionality, expression, framework that boosts development for production companies, UI that assists management, compatibility with infrastructure and a test environment just to list a few.

Translation + Film Services

With automated translation constantly evolving, this means translation software for human translators must evolve as well. We see translation of an act that connects the world and cultures. If IT technology and human interface design can help bring progression to this act, we see a great value in continuing our efforts. From 2012, We test developed a web application for translation   "tet (translate every tongue)" and have been providing the service since. In 2019, we would like to expand our partnership with other companies to spread the service furthermore. 

Digital Signage + Installations

Directors and software engineers have created outdoor advertisements and digital signage projects. 



31st March 2006


10,000,000 JPY


Ebisu-nishi 1-33-6-1F, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 150-0021 map




Yosuke Yamashita


Nike Japan / Seiko / Albion / Shueisha / Panasonic / Underworks / Kawasaki Heavy Industries / CondeNast Japan / Shufutoseikatsusha / Tanseisha / Dentsu / Broadmedia / Megasports Yanmar / Softbank Creative ...